Sunday, February 27, 2011

Learning how to Photoshop

You may remember that Carrie got me Photoshop Element 9 for Christmas, but until recently I really had no idea how to use it or any of it's tools. Today, I sat down and watched some tutorials and learned some spot healing techniques and mask layers. Here are a couple I thought were cool... and one I just thought was kind of funny...

Couple Random Things

A couple pictures from yesterday that were not Stormtrooper related.

Stormtroopers! Part 2

I was pretty bored Saturday, but too lazy to really do anything, so I just played with toys again...

Thursday, February 24, 2011


So, I bought some Stormtrooper action figures. For photo shoots... What else?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Preview of Spring

Last Friday, it was really nice out. It was in the 60's I believe, which would probably be the first time this year that has happened. Since it was so nice out, Carrie and I had plans to meet at Dupont Circle after work and have a picnic dinner before going to see The King's Speech. I got of a little early, so I wandered around the area to see if I could find anything good to shoot. After walking around for a bit, I headed back to the Circle and met up with Carrie and had dinner. Afterwards she complained that I did not take any pictures of the picnic, and that I do not take enough pictures of people in general.

This is true... I guess I don't feel comfortable taking pictures of random passers-by. And I am not really interested in putting up posed photos with everyone smiling. So I took some pictures of Carrie, but trying to get her to act naturally. It is tough and a little weird, but it turned out beautifully in my opinion.

So then we walked to the theater and I took a few more pics along the way.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Capitol @ Night

I took these last Friday night, before my walk through Woodley Park and Dupont, but I forgot to put them up. Carrie had some stuff to do before we were supposed to head over to Nikki and Eric's for dinner at 7, so I had some time to kill after work. I had my camera with me, and we have a tripod at work, so I borrowed it and headed to the Capitol.

For me, taking night photos takes a lot of patience because it is a lot of trial and error. It requires a lot of changing of settings and waiting for long exposures.  I think I ended up with a lot of bad one but there were a couple good ones mixed in there.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sunday Stroll

This past Saturday, Carrie and I were supposed to go to the National Zoo. I was pretty excited since it was supposed to be a really nice day and I had still never been. However, she was pretty sick, so we postponed until Sunday. Well, Sunday afternoon arrived, and she was still feeling under the weather. I was pretty bored of sitting around so I decided to grab my camera and go for a walk. I figured I would just walk down to Woodley Park, take some pictures from the bridge and go home. 

As I made my way past the Zoo entrance, I figured I would take a picture of the lion statues and it got me thinking of all the lion statues around the Woodley Park/Dupont area, so maybe I'll make that my theme for the day. I was planning on skipping by the zoo, but I couldn't help myself, so I took a quick look around. I took some photos of the Cheetahs and then I got back on Connecticut Avenue toward the bridge over Rock Creek Park. I got on a roll and ended up all the way to Dupont Circle. I debated taking the metro home or walking back. I decided to walk back home, but before I headed back, I picked up By The Way on vinyl from that record shop north of the circle.