Monday, February 21, 2011

Preview of Spring

Last Friday, it was really nice out. It was in the 60's I believe, which would probably be the first time this year that has happened. Since it was so nice out, Carrie and I had plans to meet at Dupont Circle after work and have a picnic dinner before going to see The King's Speech. I got of a little early, so I wandered around the area to see if I could find anything good to shoot. After walking around for a bit, I headed back to the Circle and met up with Carrie and had dinner. Afterwards she complained that I did not take any pictures of the picnic, and that I do not take enough pictures of people in general.

This is true... I guess I don't feel comfortable taking pictures of random passers-by. And I am not really interested in putting up posed photos with everyone smiling. So I took some pictures of Carrie, but trying to get her to act naturally. It is tough and a little weird, but it turned out beautifully in my opinion.

So then we walked to the theater and I took a few more pics along the way.

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