Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lincoln Memorial

Carrie left for Pennsylvania yesterday afternoon, leaving me to fend for myself. I got my bike from the apartment during lunch and rode back to work. After work, I rode down to the Lincoln Memorial, which I have yet to visit since moving up here. Last time I went up the steps and next to the statue, I was a 9-year-old, here on vacation with my family. It is pretty amazing how big the statue and the memorial is, and it's pretty stunning from up close as well. It was pretty cold out, but I enjoyed this little shoot. Before heading back, I stopped by the Korean War Memorial and then the back side of the white house. I was trying to get some good White House photos, but a Secret Service agent didn't like me sitting where I was with my backpack, bike, camera and tripod all set up, and told me to get moving. Before they said anything, I had the feeling that I was being watched through the scope of a sniper rifle, so I waived toward the roof of the white house. 30 seconds later Secret Service was yelling at me to get up and move along. A little spooked, I gathered my things and headed back home. All-in-all, it was a good evening.                                                                                                                                                                    

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